Hi everyone and welcome to how to program your NAO robot with Python tutorial video number 5. On this week’s tutorial, we’re looking in to how to control the joint angles using Python. So if you want your robot to nod to the beat, then please stay tuned!
Python Programming Your NAO Robot Tutorial Video 4
Hi everyone! And welcome to how to program your NAO robot with Python tutorial video number 4 On this week’s tutorial we’re looking on how to get your robot to listen and use its speech recognition function used in Python. So if you want your robot to listen to every word you say, then please […]
Python Programming Your NAO Robot Tutorial Video 3
Hi Everyone, and welcome to the how to program your NAO Robot with Python tutorial video number 3. On this weeks tutorial we are looking in to how to get your Robot to walk to a point with Python! So if you want your Robot to turn and march to your desired destination, then please stay tuned.
Python Programming Your NAO Robot Tutorial Video 2
Hi everyone and welcome to How to program your NAO Robot with Python Tutorial Video number 2. On this week’s tutorial we are looking to how to get your robot to walk using Python. So if you want to learn how to program your robot to walk up to any mountain then please stay tuned.
Python Programming your NAO Robot Tutorial Video 1
Hi everyone and welcome to how program your NAO robot with Python tutorial video number 1. On this tutorial we are looking into the first basic steps on how to use Python to program your robot. So if you want to learn the first steps to being a programming robot genius, then stay tuned.
Aldebaran NAO Tutorial Video 6 “Walking Forward”
Hi everyone and welcome to NAO Tutorial Number 6. On this week’s tutorial, we are checking on NAO’s walking capabilities. So if you want your NAO to walk all over your place then please stay tuned.
Aldebaran NAO Tutorial Video 5 “Face to Face”
Hi YouTube, and welcome to NAO Tutorial video number 5. On this weeks tutorial we are looking at NAO’s Face detection. So if you want your NAO to see you Face to Face, then stay tuned.
Aldebaran NAO Tutorial Video 4 “Senses”
Hi everyone and welcome back to NAO tutorial video number 4. And on this week’s tutorial we’re looking into the NAO touch senses. So if you want to learn how to control your NAO robot using the touch bumpers on he’s feet, then please stay tuned.
Aldebaran NAO Tutorial Video 3 “Speech Recognition”
Hi Everyone and on this video we look into NAO speech recognition so if you like talking to your robot want him to hear and understand whatever you’re saying, then stay tuned
Aldebaran NAO Tutorial Video 2 “Tactile Head”
Hi Youtube, and on this video we are looking at NAO’s Tactile head capabilities. So if you are looking how to control the NAO Robot with the 3 buttons on the top of his head, keep watching….