
Philip English

Robotics Enthusiast, Director, Investor, Trainer, Author and Vlogger

Padbot Interview

Padbot Interview - Pavel Zhdanov

Hi Guys and welcome, I am Philip English from, now on this video we are doing a quick Interview with Pavel Zhdanov from PadBot.  We managed to speak to Pavel at the Innorobo 2015 Robot Exhibition in France, Lyon. 

PadBot is a telepresence robot. People can use PadBot to represent themselves remotely by showing their video, voice and movements in real-time.  We can control PadBot to move freely and angle its head upward or downward. PadBot uses iPad/iPad Mini / Android pad as its brain.

Philip: Hi guys! I’m Philip English again. And so have a look at telepresence robot here, who a, please can you introduce yourself and a little bit about the company?

Pavel: Yes. Hello! My name is Pavel and I’ll introduce the PadBot which is a telepresence robot. I am from Moscow and we are working together with our Chinese partners, we do develop altogether a small hardware and software, as well application for mobile and tablet for iOS and Android.

Philip: Okay. That’s sounds really interesting. So the telepresence robot could log where anytime anywhere in the world through your robot and see exactly, you know, what is the robot can be good at security reasons, someone living in miles away, you can use it for that, maybe someone is in the hospital, you can use it for that, and lots and lots of different reasons.

Pavel: Yeah.

Philip: What sort of weight is your robot?

Pavel: What sort of weight? Weight is about 9 Kg, it is not so heavy actually and you can buy one hand

Philip: Okay. Okay. How fast is it?

Pavel: It is about 15 km per hr, we made a little speed to drive it, however we are thinking you can speed up by yourself

Philip: And then for the platform, so can you use like an iPad, is is an iPad operating system or an Android operation system?

Pavel: We make a more friendly user application, so Android and, iOs you can switch, you can put a tablet here, it doesn’t matter which one, iOs, Android and to use the same platform on your mobile Android and iOs.

Philip: I mean, yeah! It looks a very neat and tidy product as well, I mean. Can you adjust the height of the robot’s tall?

Pavel: Unfortunately, not yet.We are thinking of next models to adjust the height but this model, this is the simplest one. We are thinking how to recharge to make it back and recharge itself, maybe in the next step, we will make a built in speakers and tablets and screen.

Philip: And screen as well? Okay. That’s very interesting. So I just kinda think, what sort of price range is the robot?

Pavel: Right now, the robot cost about 700 euros

Philip: Okay, so that’s the reason, you know, for someone to cost a business to buy the extra level of security or extra the level of telepresence, so okay, it’s good also for that. Okay so, tell me some applications that you’ve been using these robot for.

Pavel: As you mentioned before, for hospital, it is very useful. For all the people that are living in country houses and the relatives want to meet them more frequently. For schools when children ills and they couldn’t attend some lessons. For b2b sector, it could be interesting if company have several offices country and even all over the world and there is no need for travel cost, they can just visit, probably for b2b as well as warehouses, you can meet, you can visit your warehouses anytime, security as well and some plants.

Philip: Okay. Well, that is it, I mean a whole host for different applications there. Again it looks like a brilliant product, so yes, thank you very much for the overview.

Pavel: Thank you very much too and I would like to show you how it is running and probably you’ll try yourself how it is easy.

Philip: I’m up for it. I’m up for it. Cool! Cool! Cool!

Brilliant Thanks Guys, I hope you enjoyed the interview and I want to say a big thank you to Pavel from Padbot for his time and  the interview.

If you want to learn more about Padbot I have put links below.

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Thanks Guys! And I will see you next time.


Padbot Interview YouTube:

Philip English:

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