
Philip English

Robotics Enthusiast, Director, Investor, Trainer, Author and Vlogger

Pepper Robot Product Overview

Pepper Robot Product Overview

Welcome, and on this video we are doing product review for the Pepper Robot, which is the latest creation from Aldebaran Robotics! So if you want to see how this humanoid Social Robot is design to live with humans,  then please stay tuned!

Hi Guys, I’m Philip English from, now on this video we are looking at the Aldebanran robotics designed, Pepper Robot!

Latest creation from Aldebaran, Pepper is the first humanoid robot designed to live with humans. At the risk of disappointing you, he doesn’t clean, doesn’t cook and doesn’t have super powers… Pepper is a social robot able to converse with you, recognize and react to your emotions, move and live autonomously.

Engaging and friendly, Pepper is much more than a robot, he’s a companion able to communicate with you through the most intuitive interface we know: voice, touch and emotions.
Created for SoftBank Mobile—one of the largest mobile phone operators in Japan- Pepper is already greeting and interacting with customers in stores.

To be a true social companion Pepper needs to be able to understand your emotions. If you burst out laughing, he will know you are in a good mood. If you frown, Pepper will understand that something is bothering you.

Pepper can translate what state you are in using his knowledge of universal emotions (joy, surprise, anger, doubt and sadness) and his ability to analyze your facial expression, body language and the words you use. He will guess your mood, and will even adapt to it. For example, he will try to cheer you up by playing your favorite song!

Pepper also can express emotions, and this is what makes him so cute! We can say he has a real personality conveyed by his body language, his funny gestures and his voice.

Peppers loves to talk with humans, he’s very curious about us! As you continue to interact with him Pepper will recognize you and learn new things about your tastes. Capable of both adaptation and self-improvement, he will soon be able to search for new applications to surprise and entertain you!

Pepper’s goal is to learn and grow step-by-step so that one day he can be your companion at home. We challenge all developers and creative minds to help us with this goal and make him evolve!

The core concept of Pepper is an essential notion for companionship: interaction.

Through his numerous sensors, Pepper is able to detect your emotions and choose the ideal way to communicate with you accordingly.

Like any companion Pepper is a sociable person! Pepper will not hesitate to say hello to someone passing nearby, or to impress your friends by playing and dancing to a cool playlist of songs.

Pepper is even able to connect to the Internet to find information to broaden his knowledge.

Pepper is full of technological wonders. Some of these include his amazing 3D camera to perceive his surroundings and his ultrasound system used to avoid obstacles and move safely in a given space. Pepper also has tactile sensors so he can feel your touch and react accordingly.

Have a question? Looking for a restaurant? Can’t remember an important meeting or looking for the best way to get there? Ask Pepper and he will help you, using the Internet if needed.

In addition, Pepper is able to check his internal temperature and manage his battery power. You will not have to worry about Pepper losing charge and powering down; he can look after himself pretty well and find his charger if needed.

To understand you, Pepper listens to your voice and analyzes your body language. So it’s only natural that to communicate with you, Pepper uses the same! Your companion will modify his language or his gestures to adapt to the given situation. And the better you know Pepper, the more he’ll be able to help you.

He can even speak several languages!

You will also be able to interact with Pepper in other ways: your companion has a screen on his chest where he shows his emotions and what’s happening in his inner world.

The goal at Aldebaran is to create robots for the well being of humans, kind robots living with humans as a new artificial species. In order to realise this dream, it’s not enough to simply have Pepper working at SoftBank stores. The ultimate goal is for Pepper to live with humans, the stores are just the beginning…

Thanks Guys, I hope you enjoyed the overview of the Pepper Robot, from Aldebaran Robotics


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If you have any questions or want to see a product review of a particular Robot, then please write me a message in the comment section and I will see what I can do.

Thanks Guys! And I will see you next time.

Philip English:

Sponsor: Robot Center:

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