
Philip English

Robotics Enthusiast, Director, Investor, Trainer, Author and Vlogger

13 Fascinating Farming Robots Weekly Update

13 Fascinating Farming Robots

Hi there, and welcome to my weekly Robot Update. This is wear I do a round up of what is going on in the Robot news around the world, so stay tuned.

Hi Guys, I’m Philip English from, and welcome to the Robot Weekly update number 12.

This week we are going to do something slightly different and have a look at 13 Fascinating Farming Robots that Will Feed Humans of the future!

13 Fascinating Farming Robots!

Among other predictions, the TV is always offered us some clues about the future of farming. Long story short: It’s all about the robots.

From field scouting drones to robotic harvesters, the industry that keeps you fed is becoming totally dominated by autonomous machines. Starting with

1. Blue River LettuceBot2

This highly popular robot attaches to a tractor and thins out lettuce fields. It can also spray insecticide and weed the rows between crops.

2. Agrobot SW6010

This machine picks strawberries with alarming speed and efficiency. Sensors on the robotic arms can actually tell which berries are ripe and which aren’t based on the shape and size of the unpicked berry. It even packs them in boxes!

3. Autonomous Tractor Spirit

The all-electric Spirit hay mower by Autonomous Tractor mows hay like nobody’s business. It’s advertised
as being 25 percent more energy efficient and looks highly robotic.

4. Conic System Pro-300

Although it looks like some sort of manufacturing device, the Pro-300 from Conic System is actually a highly specialized sowing robot for greenhouses. Need some seed sowed in some trays? This machine can sow 1,000 trays an hour.

5. Energid Citrus Picking System

This big but low cost orange-picking gadget can clear an orange tree for as little or less than what human labor would cost. That means picking an orange every two to three seconds which might sound slow. But remember: This robot never gets tired.

6. Clearpath Robotics Grizzly

The Grizzly doesn’t have a cab, because the all-terrain robot doesn’t need a driver. This electric vehicle does the work of a super smart tractor. With attached sensors, it can actually smell where cows peed and treat the grass automatically so that it regrows.

7. ASI Forge Platform

This slim robotic platform can accommodate over 100 attachments, everything from a drill to a fork lift. That makes the ASI Forge Robotic Platform useful across many industries but especially helpful in tight farming situations like orchards or vineyards.

8. Vision Robotics Grapevine Pruner

Pruning is an essential if tedious task when maintaining healthy grapevines, but this robot will do it for you. On the outside it looks like a big blue box; inside there are grapevine snipping arms that only look a little bit scary.

9. Wall-Ye – Wall-Ye 

Itis also a grapevine-pruning robot, except Wall-Ye is much cuter than its competitors.

10. Agribotix Hornet

This field scouting drone does it all. Not only does it fly missions autonomously and record video of the fields. It also has infrared sensors that can measure the health of the crops from above.

11. Precision Hawk Lancaster

The Lancaster Platform not only boasts visual sensors but also thermal, multispectral, hyperspectral, and LiDAR
technology. The artificially intelligent drone can even land on its own (and on water) as well as change its course mid-flight based on wind patterns.

12. Harvest Automation HV-100

Need a greenhouse friend slash helper? Then the Harvest Automation HV-100 is for you. The tiny little guy is
designed to work alongside people, placing plants where they need to be placed, like a farm-bred anti-Roomba.

13. Cucumber Harvester

Much like the strawberry picker above, this smart robot can spot ripe cucumbers on the vine and carefully pick them off. What’s extra impressive is that this futuristic technology was developed way back in 2002. It seems the farming industry has been preparing for a robot revolution for quite a while now.

That’s it guys, for a weekly world Robot Farming News, I am your host Philip

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I have put further information about the robots in the weekly robot update in the
links below, as well as extra webs link for your review.

If you have a robot product that you would like me to do a review or do a tutorials
for, then please ping me over a message in the comments section and I will see
what I can do.

Thanks Guys! I looking forward to see you next time.

13 Fascinating Farming Robots Weekly Update YouTube:

Philip English:

Sponsor: Robot Center:

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